Immunity substance preserved, heat treated, high concentration probiotics
(100% pure probiotics material)
World’s Highest Concentration
Contains more than 8Trillion Micrococcus / gramContains more than 5Trillion Bacillus / gram(100% pure probiotics material)
Heat Treated Stabilization
It is heat treated stabilized strainthat preserves immune substances.It doesn’t decay easily and can be stored ata normal room temperature.It is a specialized strain for immunityusing only the special ingredientsthat has a very high activation ofimmunity substance by strict QC of Cuomebio.
Cuome is a heat killed probiotics productfor safe intake of trillions high concentration probiotics.It is probiotics microbial carcasses fromproven material with no antibiotics tolerance.
R&D Center
"Research on the Development of High-Efficiency Strains, High-Concentration Lactobacillus Dead Cells, and Protein Extracellular Hypersecretion Expression (Based on EV)"