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About probiotics

Heat-killed probiotics) how much should we eat?

Writer : Cuomebio
Date : 2021-01-29 18:04:09
views : 78


2. How much lactic acid bacteria should we intake?

: A trillion intake can boost immunity.


The number of bacteria in the live lactobacillus products on the market is about 100 to 10 billion/1 times.

In addition, the expected function of live lactic acid bacteria is to suppress harmful bacteria by adhering to the intestines even when they are alive.


However, it is not enough to explain all of the immunity activity that lactic acid bacteria have.


In our body's immune system, mucosal immunity accounts for about 70%. In addition, intestinal immunity occupies most of mucosal immunity,

so it can be said that intestinal immunity is very important in immunity.


In particular, the payer's patch of the small intestine contains M-cells (Microfold cells) and can activate immunity.

At this time, in order to activate immunity through M-cell more effectively, it is advantageous to ingest the cells at a high concentration.



When comparing the number of M-cells in the small intestine of young and old mice, it was confirmed that the number of M-cells decreased in old mice.


Therefore, as the aging progresses, the number of M-cells decreases, so it can be said that the immunity gradually decreases, and the intake of high concentration lactic acid bacteria is necessary.


In clinical trials of ulcerative colitis (UC), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, and pouchitis, intake of Lactobacillus 500 billion to 4 trillion per day was reported to have a significant effect. Became (Thomas Guilliams, 2011)


For that reason, in order to reliably obtain the immune effect of lactic acid bacteria, it is necessary for adults to ingest lactic acid bacteria in trillions, and increasing the concentration of lactic acid bacteria ingested with age may be effective.

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